My iPhone App Must Haves

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I have been wanting to do a post about the apps that I find the most important and that I use regularly. Of course, I am not one that searches and tries apps regularly and I usually stick with Social Media, Work Out apps, and occasional games. There are just some apps that I couldn't live without.. or well.. they are just an incredible convenience.

Twitter: I dumped Facebook almost a year ago. It just doesn't interest me and all the new layout changes were not a delight, so I started using twitter much more frequently. I have tried a few different Twitter apps, but I think the standard one has been my favorite. It has a great and easy-to-use format. I also can't think of a time I have had any issues with crashes or not giving me notifications. You can do just about anything that is available on the web version. You can see who is tweeting, replying, and retweeting you, as well as search tags and people and you are able to update your profile while you're at it. It is also great because if I want to tweet something at any given moment, there is no need to wait until I can get to a computer. 

Flixster: If you are a frequent movie-goer such as myself, this app is golden. I would never use any other app while looking for a movie to see. I can't think of anything this app doesn't supply for you concerning movies. It gives you movie reviews (critics and the everyday audience) given from Rotten Tomatoes, upcoming movies, movie times at theaters near you, and a synopsis of all the movies, who's in them, the director, and so forth. I seriously never see a movie without consulting this app first. 

Textfree/Pinger: Of course, not everyone exactly has the need for this kind of app, but it can come in great handy having a separate number that is not your actual number which can be tracked and whatnot. As far as I am concerned, you don't have such a problem with this app and the number can easily be changed. If you are ever going to give your number to a stranger, real life or online, I do not suggest giving your real number until they have seemed to prove themselves sane and trustworthy. I can promise you that not everyone will be happy about it, but there are always covers like "I got a new number!" I do have some problems with this app crashing at times or just not wanting to work in general, but it does its job. You can send pictures and accept calls (incoming calls are free). The layout is user friendly and I never had an problems finding what I was looking for. I would recommend looking at other similar apps if you feel like the need to have a separate number and this particular one just isn't working for you.

Fitocracy: Of every work out app I have ever tried, this one has been the most effective and most fun. The community is amazing and incredibly supportive. You can earn badges and points and give and receive "props" when tracking your workouts. There are also challenges called "quests" that you can do to earn points and badges specific for the challenge. It's made to be like working out is a game and gives such a great feeling of achievement. I haven't gotten such a thing from any other app I have tried. The layout is beautiful and fun! I have also never had a problem with finding the work out I have just done on the options. There options almost seem limitless! My second favorite work out app is Skimble, I recommend trying it out because the works outs they provide are amazing. I suggest doing workouts from this app and recording them on Fitocracy to watch your progress!

LinkUs Private Photo: I hate endorsing this because it can be quite controversial. I think it is a disgusting invention made for cheating spouses and boyfriends and girlfriends, but it can be useful in other ways as well, especially when I like to save those special pictures of myself and my significant other. It can always be risky keeping photos like that in your regular album where just anyone can flip through and see them and knowing people.. you show them one picture and they start flipping through your entire album. It is just nice to have when there are certain pictures or videos that you would rather not be seen by your friends or family. But seriously, I don't recommend this for hiding photos from someone who could be hurt by them. Just no.. don't cheat. Use this app respectfully, please. 

Period Tracker Lite: For my lovely ladies, this app is the best thing I have ever encountered. I have been using this app for just over a year and it is life saving. I hardly even think about my period anymore because this app keeps me on track. When I think it's coming up, I check my app and find out how many days are left. You can record how intense the cramps are and breast tenderness and everything! It's amazing and it isn't always super accurate for me since mine are usually pretty irregular, but when it says 2 days left, that's when I start wearing light pads, just in case. I think every girl needs to have this app. 

Pandora: Well, I know there have been some sad faces with Pandora lately putting a limit on 40 hours per month, but I still use it regularly when I'm at the gym (since I use Spotify on my laptop when I'm at home) so the limit doesn't really effect me. It is great to get a variety of music rather than listening to only what you have bought in your iTunes library. I don't recommend the Spotify app, even though it also has a radio, I just don't seem to like the music choices quite as much as Pandora. I'm just partial to Pandora since I have been using it so much longer. Be set free from your limited music list on your phone and download an app that gives you a range of music! You will get a broader sense of music tastes.


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My name is Madison. I am here to review products, give you tips, and give you a peek of my personal life.