#LiveRadiantly with St. Ives

Hey you lovely little munchkins, this post is gonna be super short and lovely! I got my second VoxBox a few weeks ago and I got this AMAZING Apricot facial scrub from St. Ives. I have been using it about once to twice a day a few times a week since I have received it and my skin is again a blessing of the sweet earth. I was battling some r o u g h chin acne for a bit and decided that I had nothing to lose and geez louise, my skin is looking great only a week later! I went makeup-less to class for the first time in a long time today. That's when I thought: "This must be what it's like to live radiantly..." which is to be confident in your skin even without the make up and to feel like your skin is glowing (in a good way). All great thanks to St. Ives for creating this now staple product to my skincare regiment. Look forward to my complete Campus VoxBox review soon to come for a more complete review of this product along with many others!


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My name is Madison. I am here to review products, give you tips, and give you a peek of my personal life.